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Some of our Services


We work on the basis of industry-standard fee structures, but are flexible and do our best to work to our clients budgets. Proposals mixing retainer and commission charges are the norm.

Incorporations/company setups

Operational assistance in worldwide corporate structuration/legal forms/tax regimes.

Service/legal provider identification and pre-selection assistance and coordination of legal and administrative set-ups, including standard bank account openings, memorandum and articles of incorporation drafting, and notarial work. Provision of local legal representatives/Directors/nominees as required.

Accounting, tax advisory and filing, translation work, secretarial services, audit, payment services, Administrations on a Business-as-Usual basis.

Due Diligence/Investigations

Working hand-in-hand with leading VIP research group IYE Global and others, and current and former members of law enforcement and regulatory bodies, full due diligence and compliance checks can be undertaken on individuals and businesses, including verification regarding suspected frauds and “scams”.

Project Finance/
Banking Advisory

International Legal Advice & Contracts/Litigation

Mergers & Acquistions/
Joint Ventures

Global Corporate/
Offshore Structuring

Private Client/VIP/
Wealth Advisory

Commercial and Residential Property

Intellectual Property & Media

Blockchain Legal Consultancy

Fiduciary Services/
Escrow Agency

+44 (0)20 7183 8701
+352 621 489 608
BFL Global Law LLP is a member of Bureau Fiduciaire Groupe, and is a limited liability partnership registered with number OC454440 at 111 Fourth Avenue, Luton LU3 3BT, United Kingdom. Its affiliate firms include a law office (“Etude de Droit”) based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
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